Saturday 27 March 2021

62,714 Fresh Coronavirus Cases In India, Biggest 1-Day Jump Since October

62,714 Fresh Coronavirus Cases In India, Biggest 1-Day Jump Since October

New Delhi: India recorded 62,714 new Covid cases just now in its most keen one-day spike in almost five months. The new contaminations have taken the absolute Covid count in the country to 1.19 crore. 

The last recorded greatest spike was enlisted on October 16 when 63,371 cases were accounted for. On Saturday, the nation had recorded the greatest spike so particularly far as India fights an unexpected spike in cases in the previous few weeks. 

With 312 passings just now, the all out number of fatalities because of the lethal sickness remains at 1,61,552. 

Dynamic cases likewise rose by 33,663 taking the complete to 4,86,310. Over 1.13 crore individuals have recuperated from the profoundly irresistible infection that has influenced millions across the world.                 
            Several strict steps have been taken to battle the spike with Maharashtra enforcing a night curfew from today as the state struggles with its biggest surge in coronavirus infections since the beginning of the pandemic.

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